Many people associate the concept of medical rehabilitation only with the process of restoring normal motor functions of patients, e.g. after injuries or all kinds of diseases. However, this term has a much wider scope, which, apart from typically clinical treatment, also includes many activities not strictly related to medicine. An example of a set of such activities is, for example, social rehabilitation, which aims to adapt a disabled person to proper functioning in society, for example by motivating him and shaping his resourcefulness. What else does the concept of rehabilitation cover?
Social rehabilitation
The definition of social rehabilitation included in the introduction does not, of course, present the full meaning of this concept, because such activities are also aimed at, for example, eliminating barriers in the environment that may prevent people with disabilities from functioning normally. We are talking about, among others, architectural, transport and communication obstacles. Many organizations in the world, both public and private, finance or directly implement investments and modernizations aimed at adapting the public environment to the mobility conditions of the disabled.
It is manifested, for example, by low curbs at pedestrian crossings, or all kinds of buildings with special lifts at the stairs.Moreover, a fairly important part of social rehabilitation is making the society aware of the need to help disabled people and promoting attitudes and behaviors among healthy people that help them integrate with the disabled. Additionally, attention is very often paid to the mental condition of the disabled by organizing all kinds of occupational therapies with the participation of professional psychologists and psychiatrists.
Psychiatric rehabilitation
Like people with physical disabilities, the mentally ill need the support and care of healthy people. All kinds of coordinated activities in this area are defined by the term of psychiatric rehabilitation. Of course, the most important part of this range of activities is medical and psychological management, which are often intensely intertwined with each other due to the use of pharmacological therapy, while conducting therapeutic sessions or hospitalization. Based on the knowledge in the field of psychiatry that has been accumulated so far, it can be concluded that in psychiatric rehabilitation the best way to achieve the so-called positive reinforcements.
These are reaction effects that make a given response likely to reoccur over and over again in the future.Achieving this is possible, for example, by using praise and rewards for even the slightest progress in treatment. Moreover, an element of this type of rehabilitation is the already described awareness-raising of the society and adapting it, and at the same time the mentally disabled themselves to joint functioning. The basis for achieving this goal are various types of media campaigns, as well as social care homes or more specialized care teams.The basis for achieving this goal are various types of media campaigns, as well as social care homes or more specialized care teams.The basis for achieving this goal are various types of media campaigns, as well as social care homes or more specialized care teams.
Other types of rehabilitation
Of course, rehabilitation can also be called exercise therapy carried out in hospitals and clinics by physiotherapists specialized in this field. It is used by people struggling with various types of movement disorders resulting, inter alia, from sports injuries, accidents, or the consequences of certain neurological diseases, such as, for example, a stroke.
In addition, there are also many types of rehabilitation focused on the consequences of specific types of diseases. An example of such specialized medical procedure is pulmonary rehabilitation,the course of which, as in the case of other types of therapy, is usually highly individualized. The most important principle of any pulmonary therapeutic program is to start it as early as possible. Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of all kinds of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and even lung cancer. Due to the serious consequences of these diseases, the most important thing is to diagnose them early and start rehabilitation when there are no permanent disorders and unfavorable changes in the respiratory system. During pulmonary therapy, pharmacological treatment as well as kinesiotherapy, physical therapy and massage are mainly used.
The term “rehabilitation” is identified by most of us only with one, quite narrow, taking into account other types, type of therapy, ie physiotherapy. Meanwhile, this term describes a multitude of various treatments, treatments and treatment programs aimed at eliminating both physical and mental problems. Knowledge of this terminology does not have to be necessary for life, but it is worth being familiar with it, if only as an interesting curiosity.